atmospheric scattering中文什么意思

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  1. A method of restoring a weather degradation image based on atmospheric scattering model and its application
  2. ( 3 ) we introduce the course of applying the relative scatter model , and test the result of the atmospheric scattering correction
  3. The paper studies on the image clearness technique in fog . firstly , the classification of fog is introduced . then the characteristic of atmospheric scattering models and the difficulty caused by these models are analyzed
  4. Prior to being able to use an image in a landuse classification exercise one must first make fundamental corrections to the image data . the level of corrections differs for each satellite sensor but will generally involve sensor calibration for radiometric correction ( sun angles , earth - sun distances and atmospheric scattering effects ) , geometric corrections and geo - referencing to a known coordinate system
    在将图像用于土地利用分类处理之前,必须首先对图像资料进行基本修正。对于不同的卫星感测器需采用不同的修正参数和方法,但一般涉及感测器校正,包括辐射校正(太阳角度角、地球与太阳的距离和大气层的散射效应) 、几何校正以及设制地理座标。


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